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Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Orthopedic Specialist, Joint Replacement Surgery

Orthopedics Joint Replacement


Total Knee Replacement Robotic Assisted

- Total Knee Replacement Robotic Assisted - Recommendations and Reviews about Dr. Yaron Brin

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Reviews of Dr. Yaron Brin (10)

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Overall rating of Dr. Yaron Brin


Based on 10 reviews

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Total Knee Replacement Robotic Assisted (10)

אוהב שלום אסתר

, רעננה


''Dr. Yaron Brin works with the soul, treats and speaks at the level of the poor. I went to see him after a knee surgery and thank God the surgery was successful, but he is considerate of each and every one. I highly recommend him.


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Dear Esther I was very happy to be your orthopedic surgeon. Knee replacement surgery requires the cooperation of the team - the surgeon and the patient. You recovered very well and the results speak for themselves. I wish you an enjoyable use of the rehabilitated knee. Best regards, Dr. Yaron Brin


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דמיטרי שוטמן

, כפר סבא


''There is no second to Dr. Breen's professionalism and there is no second to his human relations, always available, always in all seriousness. All along we felt in the best hands. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Dear Dmitry. I was very happy to be your orthopedic surgeon. Thank you Ra for the opinion. I wish you health and happiness, and of course many trips (possible now) Best regards, Dr. Yaron Brin


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בארי רות

, כפר ידידיה


''Very professional Personal attitude to the patient. Very patient, clearly explains every process, thus giving the patient a feeling of security


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Dear Ruth Thank you very much for the opinion. I wish you good use of your knee... lots of health and happiness. Dr. Breen


Automatic translation



''Dr. Breen is a professional doctor, he explains the entire surgery procedure and what will happen after clearly. Kind and patient. Thank you.


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Hello Leah. I was very happy to be your surgeon. Thanks for the opinion. Meet happily. Yaron


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שליל מרים


''Dr. Brin is a very knowledgeable professional doctor, he treated me patiently, always with a smile. He was available for all my questions. I had knee replacement surgery with him about 4 months ago and I am very satisfied. I highly recommend him


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Dear Miriam I was glad to read your opinion. Your recovery from knee replacement surgery has been very impressive, and I am very happy about that. I wish you a happy new year, health and happiness, and of course good use of your knee. Best regards, Dr. Yaron Brin


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גונן זאב


''A professional and nice doctor creates a good atmosphere.


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

dear wolf I was glad to read your opinion. I was even happier for the path you took and that I was a part of it. I wish you health and happiness, and a pleasant stay at the bar...


Automatic translation



''I received wonderful service and courteous treatment. Every time I had a question about the surgery I immediately received an answer. I went through two data within 4 months to replace 2 knees I was very satisfied thanks to Dr. Breen


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Thank you very much for the opinion. I was happy to be your orthopedic surgeon and take part in the process. Replacing two knees in such a short period of time is a challenging process, and you stood up to the challenge very well. I wish you a good and enjoyable time in your knees, and of course happiness and health. Best regards, Dr. Yaron Brin


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עמר אברהם


''Dr. Breen, an amazing doctor, administered the treatment I am very satisfied with him, I did 2 surgeries Knee replacement I am very satisfied Just brought me back a new person Thank you Dr. Brin Yaron 🌹🌹


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Dear Abraham I was very happy to be your orthopedic surgeon. Knee replacement is a complex and challenging process for the surgeon and even more so for the patient, and certainly when both knees are replaced. I am glad that you are satisfied with the result, indeed the improvement is noticeable. I wish you health and happiness, and may we only meet happily. Best regards, Dr. Yaron Brin


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, Durham (UK) & Netanya


''Dr. Breen performed two full knee joint replacements with an interval of 3 months. Very precise work and professional approach in all phases. Possibility to contact him 24/7 for all questions and problems before and after surgeries. Very easy and fast rehabilitation.


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

Dear Victor We performed a robotic knee replacement on both knees in a short time. Your recovery process has been very impressive by all accounts. Glad I was your surgeon. I wish you health and happiness. Dr. Yaron Brin


Automatic translation



''Kind, sensitive and sympathetic. Attentive to the patient and answers all questions.


Dr. Yaron Brin

Dr. Yaron Brin

beautiful dear Thanks for the opinion. I enjoyed being your attending physician and surgeon. I wish you many more walks and trips. health and happiness. Yaron


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The service provided through the website is not a medical service. Documentation and sensitive information should only be given to doctors.


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